Top 10 reasons why bloggers fail in their blogging career

Why do bloggers fail really? Not all bloggers fail but a few of them. Those few leave their blogging career and go for better work(why bloggers fail). I wouldn’t say they fail rather they might not be aware of the real-time blogging career. And this one has to do with creating enough awareness as to the reasons behind the failure. 

So that the new budding bloggers could avoid them at once when they cherish this gig. You know what they say, you need to do a lot of mistakes in life. Now, I say you learn from those mistakes as early as you knew them. And never do those same ones again rather do new ones. Or in this case, be well informed about the situations it may take to quit your favorite blog writing career. 

Let’s talk about how to avoid those situations in this blog

Never stop writing

Have you ever heard of the popular proverb “Practice makes perfect”? Well, the same goes for writing blog articles too especially if you want to ace that career. Yes, if you want to accomplish something that you love first you should practice doing it daily. Because some things can’t be taught or learned. And only when you write or practice writing, you will be better at it. Of course, it doesn’t happen in a day or two yet it could be the beginning of something big in the future. You know what, it would be just like any other profession, as you learn experience you get growth and money.

Losing interest?

Now anyone can lose interest in writing but how to overcome that and get back your interest in writing. For that, you should read every day, read other blogs, and watch videos. In the end, you may think you can add something to that or your thoughts may differ from that. I’m telling you to take that opportunity and present it into a brand new blog from your side.

No ideas?

That would also be one way to keep your thought process flowing. Also, there are quite a few other options to gain ideas about what to write. For instance, you could write about your daily life, like if you have been parenting for a while. There you could write about the struggles and how you overcome them every day or even some parenting tips.

Don’t feel like it?

Seems like a well-known feeling right? Now all of us bloggers have come across this part once in our lifetime. In addition, it could be worse if you maintain a freelancing blog career. I know. So the best thing to do would be to find your urge. Similarly, I did join an internship program then. 

Despite that, you could join a social media community or even a part-time gig to get going on your blogging. Likewise, you would do it better when someone pushes you through it and even make some money out of it. Even so, I am not sure how long one could pursue their blogging career without all of these things.

Never lose confidence

This would be the most important and effective thing in all careers, let alone in blogging. Yet, your confidence level should be double to make it big in blog writing. Let’s say you finish writing and start publishing your blogs one by one. When other bloggers or some people read and like your blog content that would be well and good. 

Whereas, you tend to lose your confidence when that doesn’t happen. And when it happens it will happen as soon you publish your blog on WordPress or any other online media. That time, someone views, reads, likes, and put comments on the blogs. And if it doesn’t you should change your content topic into how-to blogs or in various popular niches. As well as keep experimenting with new blog content and blogging techniques. 

Instead, some bloggers lose confidence and just stop writing. This would be where you should at least give it a try, if not winning then you get the experience to move on with the next try. Never stop until you finally get a hang of it and you will in time.

Never stop learning

Never stop learning. I meant, we already knew that blogging won’t be like some school or college course which we learn right. Still, blogging will be one of the careers in which you should learn writing, editing, proofreading, SEO tools, and even some blog monetization techniques. 

Never mind if I have missed out on something since the technology keeps changing even at this very moment as we speak. Come on, this becomes a whole new field of profession that has got more things being established every single day. You know, there should be some new advanced methods evolving and we should not fall behind this. And that must be why all bloggers should keep learning.

Never stop reading

Next, reading comes to be yet another essential part of your blogging career. Yes, why not read other people’s blogs. You see, the world’s top blogging site WordPress claims that half of your blogging career got made by viewing and reading other blogs. 

When you read other blog content they tend to read yours back! Alike build your readers and audience rate. Cool right?

Engage with other people’s blog content

Reading alone will not be enough other than that you need to engage with other blog content. Likewise, if you like the blog say you like it in the comments or if you want to appreciate their write-up. 

Go ahead and engage with their blogs in all the ways known to mankind. And add some other points to that topic or if you got more to say write a brand new blog article and add a link to their blog. 

In no time, you and your blog articles become popular with a lot many fellow bloggers out there. Just think how it goes if you miss this out so never stop engaging with other blog content.

Promote your blog

Promoting seems like a big word but in reality, it stands as a simple step once you write and publish your blog. To promote your blog articles on your social media accounts share in some blog communities by joining them. Else you just need to share your piece of content on your FB, Twitter, or LinkedIn. 

Along with that write a catchy line. Who knows, you could gain quite a few readers or even some subscribers for that matter. All that boosts your confidence level and in turn, you grow more. Again if you don’t do it then it means you lag and we don’t want that!

Get to know your technical side

Here comes the other most crucial thing in your blogging career. Not necessarily it meant your technical write-ups. But it just meant you need to be aware that there exists a technicality with blogging. Where it could be writing in an active voice or using common and uncommon words to highlight your blog articles. 

Additionally, there would be other things like titles, meta tags, subheading distribution, and links too. Now, these occur as significant as they could be. Just because people tend to click on the blogs which contain all these together. So be sure that you add this as a vital part of your blogging career so that you don’t fail in that(why bloggers fail).

Stay up to date with blogging

Staying up to date happens to be the next step in blogging. Let’s see what happens when you don’t stay up to date. Simply, you would evolve backward not forward. Hence, you need to be aware of all the latest happenings with how people blog and how they consume your blog too. Both seem to play a vital role when it comes to blogging careers. 

As I told you before, it happens to be an ever-changing technology. After all, no harm comes in updating yourselves with the latest blog sites, blog site hosting, and add-ons. Thus you must give this a try before you decide on the best for your blogging career.

Recycle your blog content

Recycling your blog articles could be fun. Specifically when you get to know how to recycle the blog content. Besides, there appear to be a lot of ways to recycle exclusively on the content. Like making content such as listing, adding videos to it, or converting it as a video. 

Though, you could also do it as podcasts, storytelling, and reposting on social media. Or create an ebook if you need and then you could do a case study on your old blog articles. So you see, there exists a lot of other ways depending on your creativity. Recycling seems to be the best no matter what!

Never say never

Never say never to any opportunity that comes across you. Mainly you should never miss anything when it comes to your blogging career. Yes, whatever it may be you just write in every project or web that needs your blog content. 

Only the legitimate ones! Looks like if you say no to any suitable write-ups you say no to the better world. Ever since people need to hear your thoughts and your sayings. Well, it could change, motivate or even give a smile to someone’s face. So never say never to blogging!


As we come to the final part of why bloggers fail, Here writing would be my favorite part. I am sure it would be your favorite part too. I knew it the moment you read this blog article. So if you do blog I would like to give a big thumbs up to you. And if you don’t then it’s high time that you start right now. I am sure you would enjoy blogging. So What are your thoughts on this one?