How to increase your Google page speed score

Have you ever complained about the page speed of your mobile device when the performance of a page on the internet is declining?

Perhaps you have encountered speed issues in traffic due to excessive advertising and Javascript. Facing difficulties while loading the page is directly linked to delayed speed testing, browser cache, and antivirus software.

Once a site owner has received their page speed rating, the next thing they consider is the reliability of these tests and the processes by which they were obtained. Therefore, it is important to know the essential process that will determine the maintenance of an important part of your business.

Google’s Core Web Vitals report shows how search engines punish slow-loading websites. You will find that long side load times have a drastic effect on bounce rates.

What is Site Speed?

Page speed is a measurable feature that refers to the speed at which content loads on a website.

Page speed is a comprehensive term that measures the loading speed of mobile pages and shows the performance and quality of a site. This is a crucial factor in ranking websites in Google search results, as it can lead to faster page load growth and slower page load reducing visibility.

Furthermore, Page Speed ​​can be described as one of the leading SEO tools branched into two types: page load time and first-byte time. Page load time refers to the time it takes for a site to fully display content and the first byte is the optimal speed for displaying the first piece of content on operating system-mobile devices or desktops.

Why is site speed/load speed important?

When it comes to page rankings, Google considers page speed(Google page speed) to be an important factor in its algorithm.

Google measures the time it takes to load a page based on the time to the first byte. 

For example: How long does it take for the browser to retrieve the first byte of content from the webserver.

Internet users are constantly searching for answers, and they want them quickly. Therefore, page speed is an important factor in determining the speed at which SEO affects search engines. In the mode world, Google makes speeding things an inevitable process, thereby requiring lower bounce rates and higher rankings. The slower pace is detrimental to the user experience, leading to higher bounce rates and reduced transitions. Even worse, the backward page can negatively affect your brand image, which in turn affects conversion rates and revenue growth over the long term.

Accordingly, Page Speed ​​becomes an important online tool for reliable access to search engines.

Is page speed a ranking factor?

Page speed is now considered one of Google’s most important core web whites and is part of the SEO-based ranking factors.

A sluggish page not only affects the user experience but can also crawl multiple pages on a budget allocated by the search engine, which makes it very difficult to index pages and rank them in search results. Affected Google rankings slow down the growth of a site.

What slows down the page?

Page speed determines the user experience and many factors contribute to creating a slower base. Some of the basic slow down pages methods are:

  • Large javascript files for website
  • Large CSS and HTML files exceeding 150 bytes
  • Redirects to other sites increased
  • Browser caching has been reduced
  • Images and widgets

How To Check Internet Speed

In the early days of the internet, everything was loaded. In today’s lightning-fast internet speed, slow page loading time can severely affect your search engine rankings and your business.

It’s at the top of your page’s speed now more than ever. As a website owner, you need accurate knowledge to improve your page speed score with the help of SEO tools available online to top your page speed game.

If you are wondering how fast the page speed of your website is, then enabling speed testing should be your first step. You can use the speed test to check your internet speed in many cities around the world. Many speed tests provide an analysis of which areas of your site are loading slowly.

Why else use a speed test tool? Some speed tests, such as Google Page Speed ​​Insights, also provide suggestions for improving your website speed, which will increase overall web performance.

As more and more users choose mobile devices, making sure your website is mobile compatible should also be a high priority. When you specify the speed of your site, we recommend searching for some keywords that are related to your keywords and comparing the speed of your site with the speed of a competitor, which loads faster.

Check out some of the different options to increase your Google PageSpeed ​​score:

Use responsive theme

The responsive theme will automatically adjust your image sizes and media queries, so your website will look great on any device. You do not have to wait for the developer to manually change your site for each device or ever have to worry about making your site responsive in the future.

Upgrade your pictures/images

We can not stress enough the importance of search engine optimization and improving your images for the speed of your website. The biggest speed improvement you can make on your site is to reduce the file size of your images without losing image quality. The quickest way to do this is to make sure your images are compressed properly.

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Caching and then CDN

Caching is a technique that stores commonly used content in your server’s memory, so it loads faster for users who visit your site. It does this by storing a copy of your frequently used content on your hard drive and using it when the user requests the same content again, instead of retrieving it from the website’s server. This can significantly reduce load times and improve the user experience.

Caching is important to remove some loads from our server and give us a boost in performance. Frequently used but not much-changing components can be easily stored and delivered from the cache, which will give you better response time and a better score.

Using CDN to render your scripts, styles and images can greatly improve the performance of your page as it removes loads from your server and gives you more power to allocate to the task at hand.


Hosting is another aspect of internet speed optimization. When you host your site, you rent space on a server, which is a large computer that runs the website and handles user requests. Since this is not your computer, you may need to rely on external support, but most hosting companies provide a reliable server and the resources needed to run a successful website.

First Content Paint – FCP

This metric refers to the first bit of content that is rendered from our DOM. It can be affected by many factors such as heavy and swollen pages, excessive redirects, lots of requests, and a generally slow server.

Largest Content Paint – LCP

Paint with the largest content means the largest element presented in the user’s view area. We need to make sure that this element is delivered quickly. Slow server response time can have a major impact on this measurement.

Interaction Time – TTI

It is a metric that defines the time after a long task and the 5-second network and main thread idle.

Total block time – TBT

This metric shows the time between the first satisfactory paint and the interaction. It usually suffers from loading a lot of unwanted scripts, styles, or embeds, which interferes with the page loading flow.

Cumulative Layout Shift – CLS

It shows how much any element on the page has changed position-wise as other inserted elements or parts of the page were then loaded and inserted in between. This causes an unpleasant experience and is considered bad practice, so our side ranked 3rd in weight by speed score. I hope you now have a basic idea of ​​what these measurements are, how, and what factors affect them.

Avoid an excessive DOM size in HTML code

Improve HTML size and DOM depth. Developers can overdo their DOM architecture for no particular reason, which can eventually lead to a large DOM size that is not optimal for performance.

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Minimize unused CSS

It is clear what to do to reduce unused CSS measurements. Do not load unnecessary CSS on the page. Example: If you are on the homepage of an eCommerce website, you do not need to add CSS to your shopping cart or wishlist. Keep your CSS compatible with your components and load only the CSS of those components.

Minimize unused javascript

The reduced unused CSS metric answer is the same. Load only the required javascript on the rendered page.

Let the page look like it was built from different modules or components.

Example: If I have a slider only on the homepage, load javascript for the slider on the homepage only.

General guidelines on how to view specific volumes and how to handle HTML, CSS, and JavaScript

Have a block or component-based mindset when looking at the internet. 

Try to combine each module or component into 3 sub-modules:

  • Html,
  • CSS, and
  • Scripts.

Those 3 are essential for that component and nothing else on the page.

Of course, you need to have some self-judgment to immerse yourself very deeply and start dismissal in your code. Find a good balance of uniqueness and reuse.

Remove render-blocking sources

Often developers put most styles and scripts at the head of the whole page, which delays the entire page rendering process. Generally, scripts, unless otherwise specified for certain reasons, should be included below, thus allowing page render flow to go faster and smoother. Do not add too many fonts unnecessarily. Some include taking advantage of synchronization or delaying page additions as needed.

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Minimize the CSS and then JS

We know that every space uses space in writing memory, which leads to larger files, i.e. more bandwidth is used to download all the files and deliver the website. Shrink the file size and make the files smaller to save. Anyway, I hope you learn more about increasing your Google page speed score. Thank you bye-bye!