How to Increase Podcast Listeners on Podcast Marketing Guide in 2022

Starting a podcast is hard, and a lot of newcomers face some challenges so here you can get complete ideas about How to Increase Podcast Listeners and Podcast Marketing guides in 2022.

Every time you return, someone starts a podcast. Your friends start one, each celebrity has one, even owned by your competitors. It is natural to wonder for yourself if all the ads are worth it. Turns out, it is.

Do you know? Podcasting was started in the early 2000s, it did not reach its full potential until the last few years. In our advance, world podcasting is the best way and a very fast-growing Podcast Promotional platform. Anyone can download the audios, yes! More than one 1Cores active podcasts. They have more viewers than you think half of 12+ year old’s listening to podcasts.

Also, more importantly for marketers and business owners, more than half of those who listen to podcasts say that the chances of buying something after listening to their ad on the podcast are somewhat higher. That’s why businesses advertise on popular podcasts platforms more than ever. That’s why businesses start their podcasts. So, Think! Start! Grownup!

But starting a new podcast is hard, and a lot of newcomers face the same challenges. The idea of ​​production, editing, and content is harder than people think.

But for most businesses that run an interview-style show, there is an even bigger challenge to Increase Podcast Listeners.

Skill junkie’s quick tips for enthusiastic person:

Are you an entrepreneur, you can find products or services that are affordable or sometimes free with the various offers available on the appsumo?

Create a website:

I know many podcast hosting providers offer a basic website, but if you want to grow your show, the only way is to start a blog.

There are several reasons for this:

  • Sharing-Ability – Proprietary Apple or Google Podcast Link is an even easier way to share a blog post
  • SEO – written word (for example, blog posts) are still king on Google. That may change at some point, but for now, you must write.
  • Multiple Visitors – Your podcast audience and your blog audience will never be the same. That means you will reach many new people by publishing written and spoken content.
  • E-mail – when coming to E-Mail, here you can easily create a complete list that you need for your website to send them. 

You can embed a podcast player in individual posts or show a playlist player on a public page about your podcast so people can ask on your website as well.

Starting a podcast is hard, and a lot of newcomers face some challenges so here you can get complete ideas about How to Increase Podcast Listeners and Podcast Marketing guides in 2022.

Create Email List:

Email lists are a great way to let more people know about the subscription, new episodes, give gifts(giveaways), and so on.

To start an email list, you need your website, and an email marketing and Podcast Marketing provider. Here my favorite is e-mail marketing service (Creating an E-mail list) for podcasters is ConvertKit.

Skill junkie’s quick tips for enthusiastic person:

Here is the best opportunity to host your service or brand in the world’s top web hosting platform – Bluehost, make this amazing opportunity for your business!

Be a guest on other shows:

People who already listen to podcasts are the easiest group to listen to your show. Being a guest on other shows with similar audiences is a great way to expose yourself to new people and make new connections.

Within the desktop iTunes app, you can view interactive shows by clicking on the ‘Related’ tab, see which guests are on these shows, and approach them. To expand your search, you can watch related shows as well as related shows.

Keep guests at your show (Podcast):

If this makes sense, keeping guests on your show can help improve your guest’s current audience.

Keep in mind that big names aren’t much of an incentive to share an episode, but you can make sharing easier by providing your guest with pre-written social media quotes and pictures.

Starting a podcast is hard, and a lot of newcomers face some challenges so here you can get complete ideas about How to Increase Podcast Listeners and Podcast Marketing guides in 2022.

In Podcast Marketing the Searches and social media – On Facebook you can target by mobile device type. This means you can send people to Apple podcasts on iOS and people directly to Google podcasts on Android by Podcast Promotion. You can use Google ads to target people who are looking for specific types of shows. There are a lot of people who are looking for shows (podcasts).

For example, On the Podcast Promotion basis “best hockey podcast” gets 880 searches per month, and the typical “hockey podcast” gets 3,600 / month.

Starting a podcast is hard, and a lot of newcomers face some challenges so here you can get complete ideas about How to Increase Podcast Listeners and Podcast Marketing guides in 2022.

Share reviews and testimonials:

Nowadays a lot of People want to hear their name on their favorite show (Podcast) by using Podcast Marketing

This is a simple tactic that creates a good cycle of new engagement. The example below uses the question-and-answer section but can easily be done with reviews or testimonials.

Skill junkie’s quick tips for enthusiastic person:

Here is the best opportunity to host your service or brand in the world’s top web hosting platform – Bluehost, make this amazing opportunity for your business!

Here are the steps for Sharing reviews and testimonials:

  • Mark or ask them in the community when they ask questions (friends and then followers can find you and learn more).
  • People want to hear their names spoken online – so once you mention someone, they are more likely to share that episode.
  • Their friends may have similar interests and want to see the show.
  • Other listers will want to ask their question out loud (of course the answer will be available).
  • Repeat it.

It can take time to grow, but it has many benefits: 

  • It’s a natural and more easy way to get engaged a lot,
  • Increase Podcast Listeners (Visitor),
  • It will give more growth to your social media platform.

Find the best podcast guests for Podcast Promotion:

What makes a good podcast guest?

It depends on your podcast performance. You want to find people who resonate with your audience and travel towards the main goal of your podcast no matter what it is.

According to a great podcast, whether they talk about business tricks, how to earn money, motivation speech, and so on for the potential of a customer, they all lead to the same conclusion in that they get more customers. Big names make great podcast guests. They are shiny, eye-catching, and people want to hear. But if your goal is to get a podcast guest on every episode that is more popular and successful than the previous one, you are setting yourself up for failure.

Not-so-popular podcast guests can be just as great as the big names. Also, sometimes, even if they do not attract as many new listeners as big names, it will still be good for your business.

This is because you can use that podcast with that person to create a relationship, such as turning that person into a customer or creating a mutually beneficial strategic relationship. This is a strategy to help you create content and find qualified leaders. This is something that big names do not necessarily provide. But you do not have to find someone who meets all those criteria.

Creating a good podcast guest is an interesting presenter. Your audience can learn something. Because like all types of content from your podcast must provide value. So, if there is any way to summarize it, do not focus too much on who you allow in your podcast. And, at the same time, don’t let anyone into it. It may be a neat line to navigate, but it will be exponentially easier over time.

Skill junkie’s quick tips for enthusiastic person:

Are you an entrepreneur, you can find products or services that are affordable or sometimes free with the various offers available on the appsumo?

Provide more inputs for listeners who share your podcast with others or tag a friend in a social media post. Don’t forget to advertise any posts you run for these prizes just because it’s a contest doesn’t mean there are no limits to running a quick Facebook ad campaign or both! The most important aspect is to have fun with it and engage your audience to create a buzz around your show. Anyway, I hope you got a fantastic idea about How to get more people on your podcast platform. Thanks for reading this blog. Thank you bye-bye!

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