How to land Your first High-Paying Freelance Client in 2022

Various factors contribute to the success of your business. If you are serious about freelancing and want to try marketing yourself, this article is going to answer your question. Here are the best ways to land your first High-Paying Freelance Client.

Create a shortlist of dream clients

To get started, you need to sit down and do some research. What skills do you have in your arsenal? How do your current skills relate to the freelance services offered in the market? Connect the dots and outline the scope of services you can provide. Next, you should research the careers that interest you. You may have experience working in certain industries. This will help you a lot as freelancing works without much supervision. Or you may be interested in certain industries and have never worked with them before. 

The key is to choose your market carefully because you’re going to be working a lot on it. Freelancing can be a lot of fun if you have a genuine interest in the field. Next, you can identify at least twenty businesses in that market that interest you. Research each business thoroughly. What are the gaps in their workflow that you can fill? Once you’ve identified the challenges the business faces and are confident you can help them, make a pitch to sell your services. 

You have to think about it this way: How can I make a compelling offer to this business by solving a problem that is currently costing them money? Once your offer is down, send them an email. Many freelancers make the mistake of waiting to start their journey. Don’t fall into the trap of making customers wait for their services. The best freelancers in the market are those who take initiative and are the first to connect with clients. By putting yourself out there in front of your dream clients, you’ll find work faster and be able to pre-select who you want to work with.

Create a portfolio website where you can showcase your work (or where potential clients can learn more about what you do)

You should create a portfolio that showcases the work you have done in the past. Your clients will use this as proof that you can do what you set out to do. Include specific services you specialize in that you determined when creating your service.

After each project, update your portfolio with those pieces, especially if they were made in your preferred market. If you consistently add relevant work to your portfolio – Upwork portfolio, ideal clients will consider you an expert in the field.

Knowing the businesses you want to serve means you’re familiar with the style and brand of work they’re looking for. Find out the type of services your customers need. Now, this is the work that needs to be reflected on your website. 

Your professional portfolio should include:

Personal background. A portfolio can be the first introduction you have as an individual to your clients. If you are interested in building relationships with them, you can add an “About Me” section to introduce yourself and what you care about.

Examples of your work. You should include areas of your work that you are most proud of and that fit well with the rest of your professional portfolio. You can include descriptions of the programs and how you have benefited from your services.

Creative visuals. It’s always more efficient to show them what you’ve done than to tell them about it. If you’re a web designer, include screenshots and links to work you’ve done. If you are a social media marketer, share the profiles you have worked with.

References and Testimonials. People are more likely to hire someone they seem trustworthy to.

Join freelancing sites

Many freelancing websites can be useful for you. Join them to gain access to job boards and get your profile in front of your potential customers. How to choose the best website for finding clients? Each website has pros and cons, so you should do your research to determine which site best suits your needs.

International sites like Fiverr or Upwork offer a wide variety of jobs that you can get. It also means that there will be more competition in your field. To stand out from the crowd, you need to lower your fees initially. With so many freelancers competing for the best clients, it can take a long time to build your reputation.

Ask existing customers for referrals or introductions to other businesses

A quick way to grow your freelance business referrals. Nowadays, People are more likely to work with a trusted source(person or work or payment), so you guys do not shy away from asking or requesting your project clients for them. Remember that the most successful freelancers tend to take a proactive approach to their careers.

You may be wondering, when is a good time to ask for a referral? The simple answer is whatever time you feel comfortable enough with the client. If you get feedback from the client and they are satisfied with the work you are doing, go ahead and ask for a referral.

Make it easy for your customer to do so to get more referrals.

Only ask for referrals if you know it’s valuable to you. Make sure you are going to be introduced to customers in your market. If you work in the beauty industry, asking for job referrals in tech won’t work for you. 

Explain your services and what you did to the customer. Add your portfolio/resume, your details with experience, and you liked social media links to it. If you want to add extra motivation to your offer, follow up with a discount for any customers that come to you from this referral. That way, all your customers have to do is send more emails.

Keep in touch with your customers after they send a referral. If you want to find long-term projects, remember that building that relationship is critical for any freelancer(Upwork). Say thank you for the referral, send periodic check-ins, and be valuable to the customer.

Collaborate with other freelancers on larger projects

Building your network is critical to freelancing in the long run. Having solid relationships with other freelancers means you can offer a wide range of services(First Freelance Client).

This will help you stand out from the competition and increase your rates significantly. Collaborating with freelancers in your field means access to a wide variety of projects.

Before you start working with your freelance colleague, you need to decide who is good to work with(Upwork). For example, if you are a content writer, you may benefit from working closely with website developers. Before ever offering to work together, try to outline what kind of skills and experience you expect from them.

It may be a better option to check the rates set by them. Remember that you’re going to be responsible for each other’s work, so double-check their portfolios and backgrounds. Although personal connection is important in professional collaborations, it cannot mask gaps in expertise.

Here are a few ways of freelancing tips you can use to build your first High-Paying Freelance Client network today:

Freelance Markets: Once you join any freelance markets, make your strong/bold introductions with clients, and start building good relationships with those people – Freelancing tips. Find a network for collaborators and also future colleagues to build your network in one place(Freelance Markets).

Personal networking: For example, becoming part of a coworking space can be a good start for someone looking for a collaborative environment and a sense of community(Upwork). Will reach You can start referring work to them and build a mutually beneficial relationship? So the next is Events attending – Freelancing tips.

Events: Becoming an expert in your field means becoming familiar with the type of events that people in your field attend.

Building a network with freelancers: Freelancers can help you get referrals from clients when they come looking for services you can’t provide alone – Freelance tips. Having more industry contacts will bring you better leads and expand your professional experience.

Use social media: Few marketing channels are more important in the modern age than social media. If you’re not using Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, or Instagram to grow your brand and connect with customers, you’re missing out on a lot of opportunities to get leads and land the first customer(First Freelance Client). Create or join a community on social media centered around something related to your business, and use it to interface and build trust with prospective customers.


Once you’ve landed that client(First Freelance Client), don’t neglect ongoing client management. It’s not a good idea to convince that first customer that they want a refund just because they want a refund. If that happens, you’re back to square one, so make sure your product is great and your customer service keeps them happy. Thank you bye-bye!