How to start blogging career without making website in 2022

Do you want to make a career out of your blogging? Have you been wondering how to make a blogging career? Then this blog is for you. anyhow, making a blog career or not I’m sure you would be interested in blogging right? After all, you took your time to view and read this one. Great, then you took your first step. 

Here, I’m going to tell you all about it in a more practical way. As you can see, I am a blogger and I am also a content writer/editor for a company. I shall tell you the story of how I got there but that would be for another write-up. Now let me tell you how you can start making your blogging career more fruitful. That too, without making a website in 2022. Let’s get deep.

What is a blog?

Some might be heard this blog is the short form of a weblog. And it might be a simple term that has been described in Google dictionary. Anything that would be written on the web becomes a web log in turn blog. But what does it mean to all bloggers out there? Those who indulge in blogging with passion. 

I guess I speak for every blogger when I say a blog could be like having an online journal. Yes, the blog should be like a story that inspires(google blogger). Besides, it can be anything that got written like having a one-on-one conversation. Only this time it would be a conversation with your readers. 

What is blogging?

So far we spoke about the blog that people make. But when I talk about blogging it has got a whole other meaning to it. You see, the blog is a piece of online content. Yet blogging would be like writing the blog in the most efficient way possible. To be a blogger you must keep blogging almost daily. Keep your blogs up to date by adding new happening topics.

Simply, take up a specific category (niche). Even better if you take a popular one and then look for popular topics on Google. Or go to a good keyword tool where you type in the category and it shows you all the topics people popularly searched for. Additionally, it could give you a whole new idea of writing on various topics related to your category topic. Do try the ahrefs in that case. Once you got set with the topic to write you do the blogging as often. Plus, that would be a better way to blog too.

How to start blogging career without making website in 2022

Why should you make a career out of blogging?

Now, you would have understood the complete point of blogging and how to do it better right. Next, we shall talk about the blogging career you should make.

After all, you went through the struggle to write a blog. Why not make a career out of it by publishing it? That way you get the benefit. As well as the readers get the benefit of reading your tips and tricks when you write.

Despite that, it won’t be a blog until you publish it self-publishing or on other websites. Once you start publishing the blogs, you already entered into making a blogging career. That would be one more reason to make a blogging career.

Till now we saw how your blogs can benefit the audiences. In addition to that, your blogs will pave a great way to help some businesses shine in their work. Yes, it would be time to take your blog to the next level for customers and even clients.

So try blogging for a few business websites(blogging websites) by adding product-specific niches. Go ahead and write a blog to better enhance the business you work for and reach the most potential clients.

How to make a blogging career with a WordPress website? – Blogging websites

So far so good! We shall very well check out the making of a blogging career with a WordPress website. I know but that is so not the topic here. Still, I need to let you all fellow bloggers like me this. Because the WordPress website/blogging websites come in handy for any type of blogging niche.

WordPress will be a simple tool to write blogs. Plus it provides you with blogging tips and blogging courses for free! In a nutshell, WordPress will show you the easiest way to blog. That too it becomes the most popular and powerful platform all around the world. Almost all of the great bloggers have been in WordPress! – Google blogger.

Enough about it now. Let me tell you how to start with WordPress. Go to, and sign up for your WordPress account. Once you do that, it will take you to the web page where you can design your blogging websites as you wish. And the best part would be no coding is required. All you need will be some basic knowledge of the worldwide Web. If you need a self-hosted website go for “” If you need a WordPress-hosted website go for “”

After you finish designing the blogging websites you start blogging and self-publish it. Be it a WordPress-hosted website or even a self-hosted website. If you go ahead with a hosting service and have a self-hosted WordPress website it’s even nicer. Whereas, you get a whole lot of options out there like some advanced web plugins to be a safe and successful blogger. Next, WordPress helps you with all the features including blog monetizing, and monetizing with Ads and subscription packs.

Ways to start your blogging career without making a website

Finally, we came to the part where we can start the blogging career. In which there won’t be any need for blogging websites to making at all. Let’s start! 

Just it would be like all other professions post a job alert on LinkedIn, Naukri, indeed, etc., Get your desired job by giving your best in the interview it provides you with. Then once you land a job be there for at least 6 months. Only then do you grow as well as groom yourselves with blogging experience?

Next, why don’t you try some internship programs out there? Do try this in between your job search in those popular portals. Who knows you could even land a cool gig if you perform well in your internship.

Some companies may have this kind of opportunity themselves. While others may not, you can send a cover letter along with your bio to that company after you finish it. Or you can ask them to appoint you as a freelance blogger if you show your excellent performance.

How to start blogging career without making website in 2022

What else now? Guest blogging would be the other cool way to start your blogging career and portfolio. Simply, it stands for writing good quality blog content on other people’s blog sites. Likewise, you get your credit for the blog articles. Alike, it would be a good chance to get new readers and followers. Hence, write on popular blog sites if you do have a chance.

Another cool way will be to write in various social media blog communities. Due to this fact, it will get you to the next level of audiences who think alike. By that, you increase your network and its value. At last, it will pay you even by helping yourself with a new gig or something. Hence, you can start your blogging career successfully.

You know what, now you would have got a brand new blogger portfolio right? With the help of the portfolio/CV, you get an even better blog writing gig. After you get started with the blogging career, no matter what happens you must give your best. Without compromising your health, you do hard work and smart work. Then learn from your writing experience so you never stop growing till you be a successful blogger.


A blogging career would be the most simplest and convenient work it gets. Trust me, you could even do it at home in your comfort. Secondly, you go at your own pace in writing. Last but not the least, no less in the job excitement when you get your share of audiences. Just it would be like doing any activities like art, sports, yoga, and exercises(google blogger). Just like it would give your spirit an urge to do more. Mainly you will be fulfilled with excitement and happiness.

I know this from my blogging career experience. As this blog might exists as a better guide for those who didn’t know how to start their blogging career. I say you should start it right away. Which goes a long way as your part-time, freelance, or even main career line.

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