In 2022 GetResponse vs ConvertKit – Which one is good for your business

In 2022 GetResponse vs ConvertKit - Which one is good for your business

When you face the E-mail marketing tool (GetResponse vs ConvertKit) for your business or startup or website or anything, hereafter You should not seek a tool with ‘all the features’ for Email Marketing. 

On the contrary, you have to get a tool or any software that is based on whether it has the right features or not.

That’s why the skill junkie planned to take an amazing survey about Email marketing tools, so here I’m trying to tell you which is the best tool for email marketing.

On the way, I am trying to compare the famous automation tools “convertkit vs GetResponse”,

Which tool do you think works better for your business?

If you are a sole proprietor who wants to sell an online course on your website, you do not need complete marketing software with CRM, Ads Tracking, and Advanced Division. But, if you run a million-dollar e-commerce businesses Email marketing software that does not have these features, I’m sure telling you that it is not good for you.

That’s why when buying Email marketing software/tools, your goal should be to choose the one that best suits your business. Before we begin that, here is a brief introduction of the two automation tools – who they are for and what they are good at., Let’s start…!

GetResponse vs ConvertKit

Both of these are marketing automation tools, which help achieve identical goals,

Both of them will develop your Email listings, develop contacts, and sell products or services,

Instead, let me guide you to make your decision. You have to make it better because you have the best position for your needs. 

So here I’m going to do a comprehensive comparison between these two tools and their features, so you can choose what is suitable for your needs.

Here are the features you need to notice when trying to take between Get Response & Convert Kit without more doubt!


ConvertKit is designed for you,

Here are some features that are unique to Convert Kit: 

  • Email Marketing Software is only for your Subscribers. This means that it provides the best functionality to make it easier to divide your targeted audience and develop them with the target content.
  • The tool is enough to be operated by a person or small groups, but it is powerful to support your growing subscriber base and grow your amazing business or start-up or anything.
  • Did You know one thing that automation tools are the best or better than the big Email marketing tools like Active Campaign? In addition, I’m very happy to use the software because it’s very easy to understand.
  • Thus, Convert Kit is an E-mail marketing tool. But you can not find a better landing side building or a CRM tool packaged with it. For that, you have to subscribe to other marketing tools and integrate them with Convert kit.


If you have a business or marketing team that holds a large number of products or services, especially if you are focused on developing relations with your lead and customers, I surely prefer you to this tool, Get Response is the perfect Email marketing tool for you.

Its unique features are Here:

  • This is a customer-specific Email marketing software. This means that this function will help you create a leading database and follow the customized Emails and change them into your customer.
  • It has many tools compiled under the same roof. This means that you need a dedicated group to use the Get Response.
  • This is a tool that focuses on helping you to do the sales. That is why Get Response is not an Email marketing tool, here You can get a CRM service, landing page, and templates, and so on.
  • Get Response is the Best All-in-One Marketing package with some different tools. But it is not easy to work with a single hand to use all the features, you need a dedicated group for that.

Okay, the guy now still you are in confusion about which is the best tool, Don’t worry I will help you to choose the right tools for you,

Here below I will give some tricks for knowing the better difference between GetResponse vs ConvertKit:

Which one is best when compared to Landing page capabilities:


  • When using GetResponse’s Landing Page, Creator can build a scratch or customize 100+ ready-made templates.
  • In that, you can access our drag-drop, customize text, customize images, and also you can add coding like Javascript, CSS, HTML.
  • Then you can add your custom countdown timers, Twitter feed, and add social media icons.
  • You can add static, pop-up forms, registration forms, collect payments through PayPal or Paytm, and so on.
  • You can add a mobile device or desktop.
  • I have analyzed these tools with Google Tag Manager & Google Analytics, they perform better in search engine optimization.

Finally, in my point of view, in this Get Response you can use it as a webinar registration page because it can grow your email campaign as more faster. 


  • When comparing to Convert Kit, here also has a landing page builder that as well as pre made templates, anyway this template can also offered in Get response.
  • When compared to these two landing page tools, Get Response is a drag-drop editor but Convert Kit has more of a static editor.
  • You can use more options like text, colors, images, but one bad thing is the elements can not be moved,
  • You can  use tags and drop boxes to edit the elements side-by-side,
  • Finally, here you do not have a website, you can all collect leads, you can build a contact list, and then you can sell products by using this tool.

Comparison of Email marketing:


  • The main power of GetResponse comes from email marketing and its automatic mailing system.
  • By this, You can create & customize by using GetResponses ready-made templates, and with the use of calendar view,
  • It is very easier to do, you  when using these emails were mostly hitting your subscribers
  • The amazing part of this email marketing is that it gets to know more of your contacts by their data(Information).
  • Get Response has 2 amazing features that will automatically adjust the mail sending time to your contacts.


  • First of all, this tool does not use any email templates, here You can only add text, images,  GIFs to emails.
  • In this tool, you need to add an extra element which means you can not drag and drop.
  • You can easily edit email marketing funnels by clicking on the workflow,
  • Here you can also have landing page facilities like GetResponse, However, In this mail marking you have some limits to customize some more options.

Comparison of Conversion funnels:


Here you can create your own and new customized conversion funnel by using more of the tools in the toolkit, like: 

  • Stores
  • Instagram Ads
  • Facebook Ads
  • Social Ads creator
  • Sales pages
  • Landing Pages
  • Payment processors

Here you just have to pick a template, and then you can easily visualize it.

Conversion funnels are a more helpful feature because, in this way, you can track every complete customer detail from when a customer/visitor clicks on your advertisement or your landing page to the time of purchase of your products/service. 


ConvertKit has automatic workflows but it does not have any conversion funnel feature, and in a future update it will introduce a conversion funnel feature so Convert Kit users don’t worry. 

Comparison of their pricing like:


In the Get Response, they offer 3 different pricing and another best thing is that they offer a 30 day free trial period for those who want/need to try out all its amazing features. 


In this ConvertKit, Now it has some free version & they offer a 14-day  free trial period for those who want/need to try out all its amazing features.

Compare which one is best for bloggers and blogging websites:


  • Everyone knows that Keeping a consistent message is more important for bloggers, which is what Get Response is doing. There are a lot of tools that are ideal for bloggers.
  • You can use Intuitive drag-drop email creator with its templates,
  • You can use automatic pulls new posts through-feed & sends,
  • You can use popup forms it more help you collect a lot of subscribers,
  • You can use Instagram and Facebook advertisements to reach a lot audience, through these Social ads you can design and engage posts for your social media profiles.


  • Bloggers can build Convert Kit. If you are continuously or regularly posting blogs, I suggest that you can choose to schedule your emails that will help to reach your audience.
  • In this convert, You can use a filter to filter your tags, date subscribed, segments, or even by their first or last name so it can broadcast and RSS feeds are sent to the specific target audiences and this Convert Kit has 18 landing pages.

GetResponse vs ConvertKit Comparison of workflows:


Here you can map out every email automation by using triggers. 

When coming to the Inside workflow builder, you can add a  “triggers” option which is based on conditions.

Here below I give some of the trigger options that all are in the Get Response:

  • product purchases
  • new subscribers
  • abandoned carts
  • clicks on links
  • product upgrades
  • email opens
  • URLs visited which is the pricing page.

Anyway, You can use these triggers that I mentioned above to create & customize your reactivation campaigns, on-boarding sequences, and cart abandonment campaigns to sales and engagement.


In this ConvertKit, the workflow is customized based on the triggers method. 

Here allow that you to structure automation:

There are mainly 3 scenarios: 

  1. Events – it will send out an email at a certain or scheduled time,
  2. Actions – it will be set off the subscribers, which is the call to action or clicks a link,
  3. Conditions.

Anyway, Convert Kit makes it easier to customize the content workflows.

Comparison of GetResponse vs ConvertKit Web push notifications:


In this GetResponse, it allows you to interact with your website visitors through the  Web push notifications method,

With These notifications, you can send a notification to a user through the desktop web browser and also the mobile web browser.


In this Convertkit, You can not run Web notifications.

Okay now let we discuss overall advantages and disadvantage of GetResponse vs ConvertKit:

Advantages and disadvantages of ConvertKit:

Convertkit’s biggest benefit is its simplicity. If you have a blogger or content marketer that you want to add email marketing to your tool wind or content, Convert Kit will create a list of the full process, automation creations, quick and easy to create.


  • ConvertKit is an easy-to-use email marketing automation tool for the market, especially for beginners.
  • The interface is straightforward, and the process of creating new email displays and automation rules is intuitive and easy.
  • While the landing page and custom form developers in ConvertKit are not much in the way of customization, forms that integrate with WordPress content are very easy to use and create.
  • Since ConvertKit is a WordPress plugin, adding landing pages and other custom forms to your WordPress website is as easy as copying and pasting a text shortcode.
  • Easy to create and modify email displays in Convert Kit due to the drag and drop interface.
  • It’s also easy to change sending times and dates, personalized fields, and other elements that may affect the open and conversion rates of your campaign.
  • Convert Kit’s email templates are beautiful and easy to read on desktop PCs, laptops, tablets, and other mobile devices.
  • Although the analytics features in ConvertKit are not compatible with enterprise-wide email marketing software, they make it easier to track metrics such as open rate, click-through rate, and new list subscribers.
  • In Convert Kit, you can create quick and simple  automation tools even for those who have no programming(coding) experience.


ConvertKit is designed with bloggers in mind, which means it integrates wonderfully with WordPress.  However, power users can see its narrow focus on bloggers and content marketers.

Because ConvertKit is designed for simplicity, it is not compatible with the power of enterprise-level email marketing automation tools.  If you are part of a marketing team with a big budget and ambitious goals, you will want a high-level tool.

Finally, ConvertKit only comes with three landing page templates, all of which only allow minor customization.  Compared to other email marketing software, ConvertKit’s downhill landing page builder is a weak point.

The overall conclusion of ConvertKit:

If you are a blogger or content marketer, you will enjoy the simplicity of ConvertKit.  However, if you need a powerful email marketing site that you can use to create channels from the BBC, Display, or other advertising channels, you may be limited by the lack of options on ConvertKit.

Advantages and Disadvantages of GetResponse:

I think you know that, Because Get Response Features a lot of tools into one interface, it’s ideal for a unique solo marketers and small teams that need more and more power and it is flexibility than the blogging focused Convert Kit can offer.


Getresponse comes with hundreds of high-quality, 100% responsive landing page templates, and if you want A / B test landing pages and it’s a great way to want to create traffic from paid advertising.

 The drag and drop-side editor in Get response makes it easy to customize landing pages to fit your site or brand.

More than 500 email templates have 500 e-mail templates, the full package of email marketing tools up to drag and drop email automation system automatically with a drag and drop email automation.

The open rate of your campaign allows you to monitor the opening rate, clicks, social shares, and sublime in real-time.

GetResponse has all the marketing automatic features required for most users including drag and drops work back builder and behavioral automation rules that help re-engage with customers after the abandoned cart or successful purchase.

 If you host webinars, you’ll love GetResponse webinar tools, which make it easy to plan, promote, and run your webinar from a single interface.


Compared to ConvertKit, Get Response has a slightly steeper learning curve and may take longer to master.


If you are looking for an email marketing website that is user-friendly, affordable and tailored to the needs of a blogger, content marketer, or small business owner, you may find that you prefer both ConvertKit and GetResponse.

In my point of view, both marketing tools are excellent, with Convertkit Tool $30 starting per month and in Get Response which staring from $ 15.

My best recommendation for bloggers as ConvertKit focuses on simplicity and seamless integration with WordPress. Adding Convert Kit to a blog is incredibly simple, and if you want to quickly build your email list and market it to subscribers.

Get response, on the other hand, is a versatile tool aiming at the market and small businesses. If you drive traffic to your website using the PPC or social media, you will appreciate its large-scale landing pages and powerful side developers.

Overall, the Convert kit and Get Response are both various useful features that are completely dependent on the user. the best tool is the end of your needs at the end – if you have a blogger, it’s probably Convert kit is best, or If you are a PPC(pay per click) marketplace, it’s certainly Get a response is best. Anyway, I hope you got an amazing idea about these two tools, and if you need more informative content like digital marketing, affiliate marketing, freelancing, blogging, etc kindly check out our latest blogs. Thanks for reading this blog, thank you bye-bye.