What is SERP? How to rank your E-commerce website in SERPs | 2022

It is fair to say that all e-commerce website owners want the same thing: greater visibility and higher sales in search engines.

After all, high visibility means that search engine results are found on pages or (Search Engine Results Pages)SERPs. You may be familiar with these by looking at them on Google in the form of ads, featured snippets, and video links. You can also find them in other search engines.

Fortunately, there are many things you can do to enhance your e-commerce website.

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The following article describes methods for improving your website and gaining online attention.

Why is ranking in SERPs important for e-commerce businesses?

SERP ranking is more important for e-commerce businesses/start-ups because it brings more organic traffic to their/your website. These organic visitors are more likely to become customers and potential leaders.

Also, the more organic traffic inflow leads you to attract, the less you spend on advertising, and the more organic traffic you get, the more traffic you are going to get. Backlinks increase significantly, giving you extra credibility in Google’s view.

You want to rank higher than competitors because buyers will find your e-commerce website and buy from your store.

Even with the challenges that e-commerce faces, such as limited or duplicate content, high competition, and common SEO errors, there are plenty of ways for search engines to pay attention.

Your website may not be at the most top or most famous/popular of SERPs right now, and then you may not even be on the front webpage (front page).

It’s not a bar because Search Engine Results Pages are not static: they are dynamic, and you can take action to encourage them.

Let’s explore how.

What is SERP How to rank your E-commerce website in SERPs(Search Engine Results Pages)

Top 8 Ways to Rank Your fantastic E-Commerce Website in (Search Engine Results Pages)SERPs:

While it can take time and then more effort to get your e-commerce site to rank in the SERPs isn’t very complicated.

Upgrade your product pages:

Your main product page is the landing page for any customer. Some important factors in designing an effective product page are:

  • Creating a compelling but clear presentation of your product features and benefits
  • Including long-tail keywords
  • By reassuring your target audience, they can quickly find the information they need to decide on your products
  • Improving meta titles and descriptions
  • Clear Call to Action (CTA)
  • Including reviews and testimonials

Using psychology and color psychology

Your overall design is.

The layout of the product page plays an important role in influencing how customers perceive it, so the site is easy to navigate. You should also use white space so customers don’t feel overwhelmed by the information.

Change the hierarchy of your site:

Hierarchy refers to the structure of your e-commerce website.

You need to get this part right because the way you organize content creates or breaks your conversion rates, defining how easy it is for your hierarchical viewers to find what they are looking for.

However, there is another reason to rank the hierarchy of your site.

Organizing your framework means making it easier for customers to use, and Google considers your site rankings.

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Now that you know why this is essential, here are some tips for a better site configuration.

  • Allocate time to plan the structure.
  • Add product tags and sprinkle with breadcrumbs.
  • Keep content always green.
  • Review the formalin.
  • Connecting the inward connecting structure.
  • Make sure you organize all the subdivisions.

Finally, divide your site into different categories.

Reduce site loading time:

There is no deviating from that. The longer a user has to wait for a site to load, the more they will click.

Loading times can also have a significant impact on your basement. Research shows the number of milliseconds per e-commerce website in particular.

However, that is not all.

Slow loading times can affect transition and bounce rates and result in poor user experience. How fast your e-commerce website loads is also a ranking factor for Google.

You can test your site load time yourself. Many tools, such as Google’s Page Speed Insights, are available for speed testing.

Then, if you find your site is slower than average, take the following steps to speed things up.

  • Use fewer images per page (reduce the number of thumbnails).
  • Enhance your photos with compression tools like Photoshop or use free tools like Photoshop. Create a sitemap.
  • Establish an effective navigation system.
  • Consider changing your web host.
  • Improve video content and reduce size.
  • Avoid unnecessary tools such as excessive plug-ins or redirects.
  • Limit or shorten the coding. Here is a tool for reducing multiple index types.

If your website loads on the desktop within 2.3 seconds, you are in the top ten percent. For mobile, 1-2 seconds is best.

What is SERP How to rank your E-commerce website in SERPs(Search Engine Results Pages)
What is SERP How to rank your E-commerce website in SERPs(Search Engine Results Pages)

Focus on the right keywords:

You all know the importance of keywords. Do you understand that long-tail keywords are essential, but do you focus on the right ones?

You are looking for keywords:

  • With a good number of monthly searches
  • They are profitable
  • With less competition

Fortunately, there are plenty of free and paid tools to identify these. Attempt:

  • Ubersuggest
  • Google search engine
  • “The “People Ask” feature on Google
  • Ahrefs
  • Moz
  • Wordstream
  • SEMrush

Examine your competitors:

Examining your competitors is one of the best ways to understand what might work for your business.

How do your competitors improve their e-commerce websites? Most importantly, how do you find the keywords they use?

Here You can find (a lot of data)all kinds of information like:

Then connection opportunities

  • Market gaps
  • Keywords
  • Difference points
  • Backlinking opportunities.

While we’ve still competed, be sure to check out Google. You must see the main keywords in the Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs) snippets.

Use the A / B test:

The A / B test measures the conversion ratios for different variations of the landing page to determine which variants work best. There are three different types of A / B tests you can use:

Split test: The most common type, in which half users will find the original version and the other half variant.

Clickthrough rate testing: With this method, you test multiple versions simultaneously instead of one at a time.

Click-Through Rat Testing: How to change your website design or copy only without changing.

Common areas for testing your e-commerce are:

  • Production Descriptions / Pages
  • Headlines
  • CTA location / color
  • Headlines
  • Font
  • Free Shipping / Special Offers
  • Overall color scheme

The best approach is to test the A / B over time to see what works. Experts recommend at least 7 to 14 days. However, to get a clearer picture, you may want to test the findings for a month.

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Optimize for mobile:

Mobile device usage is more than just a passing trend.

According to Statista, half of the Internet traffic now comes from mobile, and statistics show an increase in mobile usage in recent years.

Ways to rank your e-commerce website in SERPs – Mobile upgrade

This is without a doubt. For better visibility in the rankings, you need to provide for mobile users.

Google Mobile enables first indexing, which means “mainly used to schedule and rank the mobile version of the content.”

simultaneously, an optimized website for mobile is more essential for high improving your Brands, service, SERPs, and then your product sales.

It is also about customer experience. The responsive design ensures that the layout of your website is adjusted to suit different screen sizes such as tablets and smartphones.

To make your e-commerce website mobile responsive:

  • Keep your text size always readable.
  • Add high-contrast colors to help read on mobile devices like black and white.
  • Testing your complete website in some of the different browsers and then the different devices.
  • Provide a mobile checkout process.
  • Use smartphone-based features such as QR codes and barcodes.
  • Upgrade your site URLs for search engines and smartphone users.
  • Add local content to your mobile strategy. Advertise any special discounts or ads that may occur on the site.

Increase your incoming links:

Inbound links are an important component of SEO and can enhance your website’s ranking in search engines.

Here Each e-commerce site/platform needs more incoming links to more classified. Although getting organic patches is challenging these days, there are many ways to get them.

  • Social Media: Create engaging social media posts that reconnect with your website and ask followers on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Instagram to do the same.
  • Use Quora: Adding content to Quora on your site is a great way to increase links to your site.
  • Create internal links: Backlinking is a simple strategy. Activate it by adding personalized product links or by linking to other pages on your site such as the contact page, shipping information, and revenue policy.
  • Get back buyers to advertise: Ask returning customers to share photos of their purchases or product reviews with their friends or promote user-generated content.
  • Join online communities: Register in forums, Facebook and LinkedIn groups, and professional communities.
  • Write guest posts for your main location: Businesses and publications are always looking for content for their sites. Search for guest posts + your main place to find plenty of opportunities.
  • Create Question Pages: Use your FAQ page to answer common questions asked by potential candidates and redirect to other relevant content.
  • Please publish press releases: Is something going on in the news? To create backlinks faster, write a newsletter and publish it online for free.

Skill junkie’s quick tips for enthusiastic person:

Enhance your creative skills with courses & tutorials on everything from design and illustration to video, marketing, and more, all included in your Envato Elements subscription!


Understanding how to rank in (Search Engine Results Pages)SERPs is important for any e-commerce website. If your site is not displayed in SERPs, you will not reach your audience.

There are several levels to improve your e-commerce website. Improving your website for search engines through keyword research, on-page optimization, and backlink building is the first step.

It is also important to focus on on-site sequencing, page loading times, and mobile optimization. Anyway guy I hope you enjoy reading this amazing blog. If you need more interesting blogs like Email Marketing, E-commerce, Business Ideas, Marketing, etc. Kindly visit our all blogs. Thank you bye-bye!

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